Day #05 [No-No-Falsies-Diary!]
It's day 5 since i've signed the pledge to protect my lashes and wear no falsies!
If you've been reading my blog this couple of days you'll know what's going on,
if not just scroll down and read! :D
So, no falsies for 5 days! I thought i was pretty challenging to go without them,
since i'm pretty used to having thick lashes with falsies..
after these 5 days i'm kinda loving the natural mascara look more now!
Perhaps i would really cut down on using falsies except for like special occasions? (:
Went out with my mummy to Ion for brunch + shopping today..

Had brunch at AOBA Hokkaido Ramen.. nom nomm..

Mummy & Meeeeeeee!
Mummy uses ettusais zero pore pact too,
Got one for her hehehe, that's her favourite powder foundation!
Came home and played with my guinea pigs, hehe
peanut is in the same cage as the girls now, but with a partition of cos,
i don't want more "unplanned pregnancies" LOL

nom-nom-ing their hay together!
but every once a day I take away the partition so they can run around together..
snuggle and nap together.. so cute!
A few years back boyf parent's went to Japan and bought these super yummy biscuits and i was HOOKED! So glad Nippon-ya @ Ion carries these.

Oh yes! We were to the takashimaya and bought some snowskin mooncake, my favourite!
Mooncake festival is right round the corner, have you gotten your mooncakes yet? (:

Loves, TheLuckiestChick
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